Opinion: Herman Cain: 'I'm the president of the United States of America!' - Los Angeles Times

Opinion: Herman Cain: ‘I’m the president of the United States of America!’

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Herman Cain is currently on a roll, following his strong debate performance in Orlando on Sept. 22 with a decisive win last Saturday in the Florida GOP straw poll.

Once considered a second-tier candidate and kind of an afterthought, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO is leapfrogging over half the field to find himself within spitting distance of top-tier status.


So, what’s an up-and-coming candidate to do? Release a book, of course. And if you’re running for president, you might as well imagine yourself as already being there.

As quoted in an extensive piece at Politico.com, Cain writes in ‘This Is Herman Cain! My Journey to the White House’:

“Well, I’m just about at the elevator up to the family quarters. But bear with me for just a minute more as I confirm who I am. It’s obvious; I’m the president of the United States of America!’


The memoir, due out next week from Threshold Editions, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, takes Cain from his childhood in Georgia through his career and his battle with Stage Four cancer to his hoped-for triumphant arrival in Washington, D.C., and imagined first term in office.

It’s not rare for a candidate to have a book. In fact, Michele Bachmann has her own book coming out in November. But most -- like Perry’s and Romney’s -- deal with policy positions andpolitical philosophy. Cain takes it a step further by, according to Politico, even discussing the first lady plans of his wife of 43 years, Gloria.

Cain also takes on the assertion that he is not knowledgeable about foreign policy, a charge that could also be leveled at his fellow candidates, former governors Rick Perry and Mitt Romney (and, for that matter, at former presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter -- governors all, plus Obama).


This particular issue stuck in the craw of Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly, who challenged recently announced Cain supporter Dennis Miller on Wednesday’s ‘The O’Reilly Factor.’

‘I like Herman Cain,’ said O’Reilly. ‘I like his spirit. I think he presents himself very well. But when he came on ‘The Factor’ a few weeks ago, he had no clue about foreign affairs. None.’’

Miller responded with a reference to President Obama, saying: ‘Oh, like the guy in there now does?’

O’Reilly countered with: ‘Aren’t we supposed to improve upon that?’

Take a look at the whole exchange:

Cain also caused some controversy elsewhere on Wednesday, while talking to anchor Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s ‘The Situation Room’ (click here for the full transcript).

First, Cain addressed the issue of why most African Americans won’t vote Republican, saying: ‘Because many African Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative.’

Cain also said he believes a third to 50% of black Americans are ‘open-minded,’ saying: ‘More and more black Americans are thinking for themselves. And that’s a good thing.’


It’s a position Cain also discussed during a Monday appearance on Fox News Channel’s ‘On the Record With Greta Van Susteren,’ saying:

‘And because the unemployment rate for black people is nearly 17%, instead of the 9%, they’re looking for something that’s going to boost this economy. And they see that possibility in my 9-9-9 plan.

‘That’s what’s going to peel off the black vote: results, not rhetoric.’

(Click here for the full transcript and video.)

Also addressed during the CNN interview was the issue of Perry’s support, along with the Texas legislature, for giving in-state tuition discounts to children of illegal immigrants.

This policy got the Texas governor in some hot water in the last GOP debate -- in which he characterized those who disagreed with him as ‘heartless’ -- and earned him a rebuke from his fellow Republican, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, during his speech at the Reagan Library on Tuesday.

In opposing Perry’s use of taxpayer funds to subsidize the lower tuition rates, Christie said: ‘Let me be very clear. From my perspective, that is not a heartless position. That is a common sense position.’


Perry even had to do a bit of backpedaling on his ‘heartless’ claim. He told Newsmax in an exclusive video interview posted on Wednesday, that, ‘I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word, and it was inappropriate.’

Asked on CNN if he agreed with Perry’s position, Cain said: ‘No, absolutely not. Because I happen to believe that that puts children of illegals in front of citizens, in front of soldiers. I don’t agree with that. We must first secure the border for real. That’s the real problem we need to make sure that we solve. Then, decide later.

‘Now, I do agree that it’s a state’s issue. It’s a state’s decision. But I don’t believe in putting children of illegals, because of compassion, in front of citizens.’

Cain also said that, as of right now, that position would prevent him from supporting Perry if he becomes the GOP’s eventual nominee:

‘Today, I could not support Rick Perry as the nominee for a host of reasons. Him being soft on securing the border is one of the reasons. I feel very strongly about the need to secure the border for real, the need to enforce the laws that are already there, the need to promote the path to citizenship that’s already there.

‘But, more importantly, empower the states to enforce the national federal immigration laws because the federal government didn’t do it, can’t do it, and they never will do it. So, that’s where I think he and I have a basic fundamental difference of opinion.’


Cain did say though, that while he does not support the individual mandate put in place by Mitt Romney in his Massachusetts healthcare bill, he could support Romney as the nominee so long as he vowed to repeal Obamacare.

A new Fox News phone poll is out, placing Cain in third place now with 17%, trailing Romney, who has 23%, and Perry, who has 19%.

(Click here for the full poll results.)

Cain is even making the apparently obligatory visit to New York City to talk with businessman and reality show star Donald Trump on Oct. 3, following the lead of fellow hopefuls Perry, Romney and Bachmann.


Herman Cain handily wins Florida GOP straw poll


Chris Christie won’t run but doesn’t mind being asked

GOP debate: Rick Perry vs. Mitt Romney, plus Gary Johnson and some dogs

-- Kate O’Hare
