Is General Motors chairman Roger Smith also... - Los Angeles Times

Is General Motors chairman Roger Smith also...

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Is General Motors chairman Roger Smith also image conscious?

Several sources in town tell us that calls have recently been placed by a GM rep to find a PR firm willing to consider a campaign to offset the unflattering image of Smith and GM in the Warner Bros. documentary “Roger & Me.”

Film maker Michael Moore, who made the movie about the impact of GM’s plant closings on Flint, Mich., has also alleged that GM is in search of a Hollywood publicist.

But when we called GM, they denied it, insisting, “No such queries have been made.” Added Bill Ott, director of media relations for GM, Los Angeles: “GM is not going to do anything that in any way promotes that guy’s movie, for heaven’s sake.”


“Roger & Me,” which has already grossed more than $2.2 million, will expand from 103 screens to 250 on Feb. 9.
