COUNTYWIDE : Board Deadlocks on Support of Scouts - Los Angeles Times

COUNTYWIDE : Board Deadlocks on Support of Scouts

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Los Angeles County supervisors on Tuesday deadlocked 2 to 2 on a request by Supervisor Mike Antonovich that the county support the Boy Scouts in fighting a lawsuit brought by a former assistant scoutmaster who was excluded from the organization because he is gay. Jon Davidson, an attorney with the ACLU Foundation of Southern California, which is representing the former scout, told supervisors, “This will be perceived as a county endorsement of discrimination.” Antonovich, supported by Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, said, “The Boy Scouts has an impeccable record of having people of all races, colors and creeds. . . . It seems to be they are in the best position of selecting role models.” Supervisors Ed Edelman and Pete Schabarum voted against Antonovich’s request, which will come back before the board next Tuesday when Supervisor Deane Dana returns from vacation to cast the swing vote. The case is now before a Los Angeles Superior Court judge.
