A summary of selected City Hall actions... - Los Angeles Times

A summary of selected City Hall actions...

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A summary of selected City Hall actions this past week affecting Central Los Angeles.


* JOB TRAINING: Approved spending $500,000 to hire two contractors, the Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment and the Korean Youth and Community Center/El Centro Del Pueblo, to provide job training and employment services to residents of Pico-Union and Koreatown. Participants will also receive basic English language training.

* WATTS TOWERS: Approved filling the vacancy of art center director at the Watts Towers Arts Center. The position has been vacant since June when the director, Willie Middlebrook, was removed and reassigned to another position after a probationary evaluation rated his performance as substandard. He protested the removal and charged racism.

* HEALTH FAIR: Approved the closure of Los Angeles Street between Alameda Street and the Santa Ana-Hollywood Freeway on-ramp from midnight to 9 p.m. on Nov. 21 for the Unidos Contra la Diabetes, Feria de Salud. The event, hosted by the American Diabetes Assn.’s Latino programs committee, provides free examinations for diabetes to inform Latinos of the severity of the disease and the effect it has on the community.


* LIBRARY SECURITY: Approved providing several security measures at the Arroyo Seco Branch Library in Highland Park, including installation of security lights and cameras and repair of the burglar alarm system.

* APPOINTMENT: Approved the appointment of Jose D. Legaspi as a member of the Water and Power Commission. Legaspi, who lives in Boyle Heights, replaced A. M. Echevarria, who resigned.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues. * FIRE SAFETY: Accepted $117,449 in federal funds that will be used to implement a city Fire Department program to educate children in preschool through the third grade about the dangers of fire. The Learn Not to Burn program will focus on enhancing self-esteem and fire safety. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden and Rita Walters. Absent: Richard Alatorre and Mark Ridley-Thomas.


* ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING: Approved spending $953,000 in city and state funds to continue operating an entrepreneurial training program for the second year for prospective business owners in economically distressed areas. The funds are used to assist in developing skills to ensure business success, including establishing good management and marketing techniques. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Hernandez, Holden and Walters. Absent: Alatorre and Ridley-Thomas.
