Beware of Hypothermia - Los Angeles Times

Beware of Hypothermia

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Winter weather--even when it is relatively mild, as is the case in Southern California--is accompanied by a variety of health concerns, particularly for seniors. But while colds and flu get more attention, hypothermia can be just as hazardous.

Hypothermia is dangerously low body temperature usually brought on by staying in a cool place for an extended period of time. It can occur in environments as warm as 65 degrees.

The warning signs of hypothermia, according to the National Institute on Aging, include:

* Body temperature measuring below 96 degrees.

* Confusion or sleepiness.

* Slowed, slurred speech or shallow breathing.

* Weak pulse, low blood pressure.

* Change in appearance or behavior in cold weather.

* Poor control over body movements or slow reactions.

People showing signs of hypothermia should have their temperature taken. If the temperature registers below 96 degrees or does not register, get help immediately.
