Legal Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens - Los Angeles Times

Legal Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

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Re “Driver’s License Bill May Be Law by Accident,” Oct. 25: When AB 60 was first introduced in California I was appalled. It allows illegal aliens to legally obtain driver’s licenses. Now, due to a legal glitch, apparently the bill has passed. Supposedly Assemblyman Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), initiator of the bill, agreed with Gov. Gray Davis and the new terrorism task force headed by Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca to devise a plan to verify the identities of the illegals it was granting licenses to while “shielding them from deportation.” When did it become a state goal to shield illegal aliens from deportation?

If illegals can legally obtain driver’s licenses, they can also obtain jobs driving trucks--trucks transporting toxic materials, explosives and combustibles. They can drive our leaders’ limousines. And, worst of all, they can drive public buses. Do you want an Osama bin Laden follower driving your children to school?

Gale A. Crandell



What part of “illegal alien” and “sovereignty of the land” doesn’t Davis understand? He’s now allowed a law to pass that grants driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. We are being attacked from within. We are at war, and facilitating the access of terrorists and other undesirables to our legal residents is a blatant act of treason. Davis, if not impeached, should never hold another public office again for this breach of public trust.

Regan DuCasse

North Hollywood
