President's Role in Church/State Issue - Los Angeles Times

President’s Role in Church/State Issue

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Re “Bush Plays Pope on Marriage Issue,” Commentary, Aug. 5: Despite Robert Scheer’s vehement protestations to the contrary, the Constitution does not prohibit the government from recognizing the moral views of the nation’s majority. For decades we have engaged in liberal social experimentation, all in the name of “separating church and state.” The ensuing breakdown in every social institution shows the folly of Scheer’s arrogance.

Aaron Smith


Thank you for Scheer’s commentary pointing out the seeming hypocrisy of Bush’s attempts to persuade the Iraqis toward a secular government while at the same time using his presidency as a pulpit for his own religious views. What Scheer and about 6 billion others on the planet fail to realize is that Bush’s God is the one true God, so that makes it OK.

Ian Black

San Juan Capistrano
