Lack of Armor for U.S. Troops Attracts Flak - Los Angeles Times

Lack of Armor for U.S. Troops Attracts Flak

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Re “Humvees No Match for Crude Bombs,” Dec. 11: The only way to protect our troops from being killed is to have the Bush administration admit that it has made a horrific mistake leading us into this war, then apologize and bring them all home.

Roy T. Kobayashi



The Bush administration has made its priorities clear: A nation that is broke can’t afford armored Humvees for its troops so its wealthy citizens can enjoy tax cuts that enable them to afford Hummers here at home.

Kevin B. Powell

Long Beach


It is infuriating to see our soldiers welding junk pieces of steel to their vehicles! The contractors involved should be told to go on 24-hour shifts now or lose their contracts. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s remark that we had to go to war with the army we had: We weren’t under attack, nor was there any imminent threat forcing us into battle with inadequate equipment.


Patricia McCully

Huntington Beach


One scandal after another has been the order of business in this disastrous administration -- (Bernard Kerik pulls out; inept translators; lack of protected Humvees, just for appetizers). We are living with the most scandal-ridden, corrupt administration in our history, and poof, little investigative reporting and no call for impeaching the entire administration. I wonder what it will take....

Joan Magit

