Tears and Thanks for Frank del Olmo - Los Angeles Times

Tears and Thanks for Frank del Olmo

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We all have friends whom we never actually meet, and Times Associate Editor Frank del Olmo was one of mine (obituary, Feb. 20). When Frank wrote about topics that were outside my scope, he informed me. When he addressed matters that were familiar to me, he invited me to consider new aspects of the issue at hand. And he did so in language that was as clear and precise and controlled as any that has ever been written. Your newspaper and my mornings will both be emptier now.

David Wilson

Laguna Beach

Del Olmo was an inspiration and role model to me. Reading about his passing on Friday morning left me in tears, and that is hard to write as a 51-year-old who is not “Hispanic.” Whether you agreed or disagreed with his opinions, he opened the eyes of many of my Mexican American family members and friends. We lost a great one. My condolences to his family and many friends.

Dan Heredia

Dana Point

Vaya con Dios, Frank del Olmo. Your journalistic integrity, your dedication to bringing awareness to the plight of the marginalized and your insights in the public policy arena will be sorely missed. Long live the American dream!


Luis S. Garcia

Los Angeles

My deepest sympathy to all of you at The Times, to Magdalena del Olmo and especially to Frankie. The tears well up as I think of that loving father and son. Frank gave us so much. There is a sad void in this reader.

Ann Bien

