Desert's Diversity Deserves Protection - Los Angeles Times

Desert’s Diversity Deserves Protection

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Re “Federal Plans Aim to Control Use of the Desert,” March 25: From 1999 to 2004, I hiked the 15 miles across the Central Algodones Dunes Area three times -- once while six months pregnant. These were hikes sponsored by the Center for Biological Diversity. The many folks whom I met on these treks were all equally awed by the beauty -- and quiet -- they encountered deep within the dunes. Delicate sunflowers, primroses, the shy flat-tailed horned lizard and the rare sweet purple-flowered Pierson’s milkvetch brought joy to all of us.

Please support efforts to keep this national treasure safe from off-roading. Join me, my 2-year-daughter who loves to walk among the flowers in the sands and millions of other Americans who enjoy non-motorized recreation in our public lands. I assure you, we are in the vast majority.

Jeneiene Schaffer

