'Rachel Getting Married' - Los Angeles Times

‘Rachel Getting Married’

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Much has been said of the sad, dark performance of Anne Hathaway as the addict let out of rehab for the weekend to attend her sister’s wedding in “Rachel Getting Married,” and the film is worth recommending just for that. But in all the swirl of notice around director Jonathan Demme’s latest offering -- with Hathaway’s against type, raw and rebellious Kym riding the critical and awards wave -- it’s easy to overlook the many smaller, finely drawn performances. Possibly my favorite, though, is the often overlooked Bill Irwin, who plays Kym and Rachel’s father, Paul. His too is an emotional high-wire act as the man in the middle, trying to smother all the fires that erupt during Kym’s visit. His fear of his family further unraveling is always lurking in his eyes, behind his sometimes forced smile, in the laugh that sometimes comes too quick. His quiet desperation is poetry to watch.

-- Betsy Sharkey
