Bill Tolmasoff - Los Angeles Times

Bill Tolmasoff

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Chief Financial Officer
Harvest Landscape Enterprises, Inc.

As CFO of Harvest Landscape Enterprises, Bill Tolmasoff has achieved a number of company-enhancing wins, including his work to achieve revenue improvement by shifting Harvest’s ratcheting paradigm, which meant adding new customers at a price point above the median price for the company’s book of business, with consideration for pricing that the market can bear. This ratchets the price point of the book upwards while reducing the overall risk of revenue retraction. He has also led three acquisitions, resulting in 36% growth for the company over base-year revenue. Multiple acquisitions are in the works to couple with organic growth. Tolmasoff also excels in the human element with high emotional intelligence, which has given him the ability to build trust from departments that inherently lost trust with the company before due to organizational changes. He rebuilt confidence in the department while updating policies and procedures.
