10 Useful Tips To Mowing Your Lawn - Bestcovery

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10 Useful Tips To Mowing Your Lawn

10 Useful Tips To Mowing Your Lawn

Having a clean and orderly lawn can make your home feel neat and clean. You don’t necessarily need fancy lawn mowers to get the job done, though. Here are ten tips to make your lawn exceptionally pretty.

Keep the Blade Sharp

The fastest way to ruin your lawn is by using a dull blade to mow it. Dull blades result in uneven grass, which can become more and more apparent over time. Keep the mower’s blade sharp so you can ensure that the grass is kept at the desired length at all times.

Get an Electric Mower if Possible

Electric mowers are the way to go. Not only are they more energy-efficient, but they also save the environment by not emitting fumes. They’re also rechargeable, meaning you don’t have to go keep refueling your lawnmower. As an added benefit, they won't cause hearing damage over time like a gas mower will. Electric mowers are the best solution for the environment and your own home.

Mow the Lawn Differently Each Time

When you mow your lawn, try mowing in a different direction from your previous mowing session. When you mow the lawn in the same direction multiple times, the grass will start leaning towards the direction you mow in, which may not look very good. If you want the grass to stay upright at all times, mow in different directions to prevent them from pointing a certain way.

Try Making Lines

Lines on a lawn are proof that the owner of the lawn enjoys orderly lawnmowing, and shows that they care for their grass. Sure, it may sound simple, but it can help you establish rapport with the neighbors. It’s also just nice to look at regardless. Zero-turn mowers give you the ability to lay-down some sharp lines!

Mow When the Lawn is Dry

Even though the grass itself doesn’t get harmed by getting mowed when wet, you ideally want to mow the lawn when the grass is dry. Wet grass can end up clogging or even damaging the lawnmower due to the presence of water droplets. Dry grass doesn’t clog up the mower nearly as much, so you’re better off waiting for the grass to dry before mowing it.

Try Mowing When it isn’t Too Hot

Grass is best mowed when there’s shade, as doing so during the heat will ruin the condition of the grass more than when done in shade. If the weather’s sunny all day, then try mowing during the early mornings or late afternoons when the sun isn’t that strong. You can also avoid the risk of getting sunburned this way.

Try Grasscycling

If you want to save up on time and money, try grasscycling. Grasscycling involves leaving the mowed grass on the ground to decompose and become fertilizer for the grass. This saves you quite a bit of money on fertilizer, and you don’t have to clean up after mowing, either.

Learn When to Adjust Mower Height

Grass should be cut at different heights depending on the time of year or where the grass is located. For example, grass should be cut at a higher height than normal during the summer so that the sun doesn’t easily hit the soil. Grass should also be left longer in areas with shade to allow the grass to compensate for the lack of direct sunlight for photosynthesis.

Don’t Cut too Short

The last thing you’d want to do is cut your grass too short. Not only does this make the lawn look barren, but it also can damage the soil and grass due to direct sunlight exposure. It’s better to have the grass be too long than too short in many cases.

Maintain Your Mower

Finally, you’ll want to keep your mower maintained and checked regularly. Aside from sharpening the blade, check if all the mechanisms are working properly, if the wheels are properly working, or if there are any clogs present. Proper care of your mower will keep it usable for years to come.

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