A new year is dawning and with it a new round of financial resolutions - Los Angeles Times

A new year is dawning and with it a new round of financial resolutions

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A record number of people are making financial resolutions for the new year such as saving more money and paying off debt, according to a new survey.

Alongside the seasonal egg nog and gift buying, 54% of Americans have pledged to reform their financial lives in 2014, according to the survey by Fidelity Investments, the mutual-fund company. That’s up from 35% in 2009.

Of those making resolutions, 54% say they’re going to save more, 24% want to reduce debt and 19% plan to spend less, according to the survey.


In a reversal from a year ago, reducing debt surpassed spending less for the second spot. But given that saving more and spending less are two sides of the same coin, Americans want what they always want: more money in the bank.

As with losing weight or quitting smoking, of course, financial resolutions often are unmet. Nearly three in 10 poll respondents admitted not sticking to past pledges of monetary reform.

A separate survey, by GoBankingRates.com, highlighted the differences in resolutions among people of different income levels.


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Nearly 11% of respondents listed “get a raise” as their top financial goal in 2014. Two-thirds of those people earn more than $150,000 a year already, suggesting that the well-heeled have far better prospects for boosting their income than those lower down the totem pole.

Only 10.5% of people making between $25,000 and $49,000 listed getting a raise as their top goal, GoBankingRates.com. They’re more focused on saving money and lightening debt loads, according to the survey.



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