Apple updates new campus plan with details on bikes, public art - Los Angeles Times

Apple updates new campus plan with details on bikes, public art

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The city of Cupertino posted an updated version of Apple’s proposal for its new campus that includes new details about bike amenities, expanded references to possible public art, and what appears to be a delay in the construction of one part of the campus.

The latter is particularly notable in light of a recent Bloomberg Businessweek article that claimed the campus was far behind schedule and $2 billion over budget.

In the updated plans, it seems Apple has decided to wait to build a section of the campus known as the Tantau Development until after the main campus is complete. The Tantau section is projected to be home to 2,200 of the campus’ 14,200 employees.


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Beyond that change, the most significant change to the proposal was several pages of additional details about plans for bicycle access. The new details call for bicycle lanes surrounding the campus, “buffer” lanes between the bike lanes and car lanes, and special zones for bikes to use while waiting for traffic lights to change or to make left turns at signals.

Apple refers to these new features for bicycles as “recommended bicycle facilities,” which means the company is suggesting the city build them.


After the bikes, the most tantalizing reference was a new exhibit that suggests several locations where Apple might place some public art. There are no details on what kind of art, or who may have been commissioned to create something.

The updates include several smaller changes, such as plans for additional lights around pedestrian walkways.

One change that may stir a bit of controversy is an increase in the number of parking spaces, from 10,500 to 10,980, and a reduction in the amount of “permeable landscape” from 109 acres to 102 acres.


Apple has been touting many of the environmentally friendly aspects of the project, so any accommodation for more drivers and less green space may draw some public comment.


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