Google's Sergey Brin calls on winners to quit political parties - Los Angeles Times

Google’s Sergey Brin calls on winners to quit political parties

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Sergey Brin isn’t just an independent thinker. He’d like his politicians to be independent thinkers, too.

The Google co-founder who has pushed for cutting-edge innovation (think Google Glasses) railed against the partisan infighting in Washington in a Google+ post Tuesday. He called on the winners in this year’s election to pull out of their political parties and become independents.

Now that would be novel.

It was an unusual rallying cry from Silicon Valley, where politicians routinely come to seek support and cash. But Brin, who has never paid much mind to the status quo, said he was voting against all these “thoughtful, well-meaning people” spending all their time sticking it to each other in what he called a “bonfire of partisanship.”


Declaring independence “is probably the biggest contribution you can make to the country,” Brin wrote. The post has 500 comments and counting.

Brin is a Russian immigrant who pushed Google to withdraw from China over censorship and alleged hacking. He works for a company whose employees and political action committee have largely thrown themselves behind President Obama’s reelection campaign.



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