Want more Psy? New song on its way, in the meantime, watch this - Los Angeles Times

Want more Psy? New song on its way, in the meantime, watch this

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Psy’s “Gangnam Style” video is rapidly closing in on half a billion views on YouTube, and it may even hit the magical 500 million number by the end of the week.

The singer said he is hoping his next single will be in English, but he is finding the process of writing it daunting.

“It’s too much pressure to overcome ‘Gangnam Style,’ ” he told the BBC. “It’s really hard.”


Psy, whose real name is Park Sae-Jung, is 34 and has been a huge star in South Korea for more than a decade.

So he understands both the opportunity the international success of the “Gangnam Style” video has afforded him, as well as the challenges it has created.

“The problem is my music video is more popular than I am,” he told the BBC. “That’s a big problem for me right now, so I’ve got to overcome my music video first.”


While we wait for Psy to figure that out, another, older, one of his videos is starting to get some serious traction on YouTube -- thanks to the success of “Gangnam Style.”

It’s called “Right Now,” and while it’s not as sparkly and jokey as the “Gangnam Style” video, it still has some Psy-style over-the-top moments with the South Korean rapper in classic nerd garb (dark glasses, suit) freaking out in the middle of a traffic jam, and later, sporting a fake muscle-y torso and freaking out in an office.

There is no iconic dance step comparable to the horse dance in “Gangnam Style” but in the video for “Right Now” Psy’s still got some great moves and the same sort of silly, sort of awesome, dance style that will seem familiar to fans of “Gangnam Style.”


“Right Now” was first posted to YouTube in October 2010 and stayed well below 200,000 views, but it has received a big bump in the past few months.

The lyrics of the song, as I found them translated on the Lyrics Moon website, tell the story of a person who is dissatisfied with his life -- “Everyone’s cake seems bigger, someone else’s girl seems prettier, everything I do lacks a certain something” -- who then decides to turn his life around, “Right Now!”

“Change 180 degrees, turning round and round, scream and go crazy,” Psy sings. “Right Now!”


Psy’s Gangnam Style YouTube party is just getting started

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