FBI: Steve Jobs had 2.65 GPA, avoided the gym, wasn't a communist - Los Angeles Times

FBI: Steve Jobs had 2.65 GPA, avoided the gym, wasn’t a communist

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We detailed the major tidbits from Steve Jobs’ just-disclosed FBI files in an earlier post. But we’ve scoured the 191-page document for some minor Jobs trivia as well.

Jobs’ high school GPA: How about 2.65? Jobs wasn’t much for school, choosing to go to Reed College in Oregon for a few semesters before he dropped out. Note to young people: Don’t try this without adult supervision.

Jobs also told agents he could think of nothing that could be used to blackmail him, was not a member of the Communist Party and did not belong to any organization that “espoused the overthrow of the government.”


The one organization to which he did admit to belonging was the New York Athletic Club. But he was not a frequent attendee. Jobs told the FBI that he “had never been [there] and knew nothing with regard to their membership policies.”

As far as his exercise habits, however, one neighbor said Jobs “did a great deal of jogging.”

Jobs apparently was also known for being a good neighbor, who at his unadorned homes in Palo Alto and Woodside, Calif., often left his door unlocked and kept to himself.
He was a “quiet and unassuming individual,” said a person who lived next door to him in 1991. She said Jobs had even “visited her last week to ensure some landscaping he was having done would not cause any problems.”



Timeline: The life and work of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ FBI file: Drug use, bomb threats and gossip
Photos: Friends and colleagues remember Steve Jobs
