Apple iPhone owners have spent nearly $6 billion in repairs, study says - Los Angeles Times

Apple iPhone owners have spent nearly $6 billion in repairs, study says

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Americans have spent nearly $6 billion on iPhone repairs since Apple first launched the phone in 2007, according to a new study.

SquareTrade, which offers device warranties, recently conducted a study surveying more than 2,000 iPhone owners.

The study looked at various factors, including “cost of repairs, replacements and insurance deductibles for cracked, dropped, pummeled, kicked, and water-damaged iPhones.”


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From there, the company concluded that since June 2007 until last month, the total cost of repairs has added up to $5.9 billion.

SquareTrade said the top reasons for repairs are:

- People dropping the iPhone while holding it

- The iPhone falling into a toilet, sink, hot tub, swimming pool, lake or some other body of water


- The iPhone falling from people’s laps

- People knocking their iPhone off a table

- People spilling liquid on the device

And in the last year alone, SquareTrade concludes that nearly a third of all iPhone owners have damaged their phone.

So if you’re picking up an iPhone 5 on Friday, make sure to take good care of it lest you become a stat.



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