Julie Chen puts the kibosh on plastic-surgery speculation - Los Angeles Times

Julie Chen puts the kibosh on plastic-surgery speculation

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Did Julie Chen of “The Talk” have a nose job? She did, after all, recently reveal she’d had surgery early in her career to make her eyes look “less Asian.” There had to be more, right?

The answer, straight from the horse’s mouth on Wednesday, was an emphatic “no.” She drove the point home with a laundry list of all sorts of plastic surgeries that she had not had, pointing out the areas that would have been affected as she mentioned each one.

“I have never had a nose job. I have only had plastic surgery done to my eyes that I’ve already told you about. I do not have cheek implants. I did not take out fat over here to make my cheeks look more [chiseled]. I did not have chin surgery, I did not have a nose job. These are not veneers. I have not done my teeth — I’ve never even had braces. These are all my real teeth.

“Nothing, nothing else has been done, ever.”

Cue the applause from the audience, which had been laughing along with her as she recited her litany.


To prove her point, she rolled a time-lapse video of her getting made up in the morning, a process she said takes from 20 to 45 minutes in the chair each day and includes contouring to make her look the way she looks on television (see the cool transformation in the video above).

She did admit weakening a bit regarding one area: her nose.

“I thought about getting a nose job, because I have a very bulbous, meaty nose. It’s a meaty nose. And I’m very superstitious, because a lot of Chinese people are, and my grandmother — who had the the same nose — said, ‘Don’t touch that nose. That’s what we Chinese people call a ‘good fortune’ nose. You have the same nose as me,” Chen said.

“And my grandmother led — God rest her soul — a very peaceful, fortuitous life. She was a good lady, everyone loved her, I’ve never seen her angry. She just led a happy life,” she continued.


“So I didn’t touch the nose. I didn’t touch anything else.”

Case closed.


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