Jon Stewart shows off Obama 'gifts,' blasts Bill O'Reilly - Los Angeles Times

Jon Stewart shows off Obama ‘gifts,’ blasts Bill O’Reilly

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Since losing the election last week, Mitt Romney hasn’t done much to make voters second-guess their decision or, for that matter, to endear himself to frustrated Republicans. In a call with campaign donors earlier this week, Romney blamed his defeat on “gifts” promised by President Obama to certain segments of the population – namely blacks, Latinos, women and young voters.

As Jon Stewart noted on Thursday’s “Daily Show,” these latest remarks – not to mention the circumstances under which they were made, i.e. during a conversation between Romney and a bunch of wealthy people – is strikingly similar to his infamous “47%” comments.

Stewart pretended to be shocked that Romney, despite his well-staged apology and insistence that he cares for 100% of the country, had already returned to such divisive rhetoric. “You can imagine my surprise when this man, so unfairly caricatured by his own words as an out-of-touch plutocrat who sees the lower classes as government leeches yesterday blamed his campaign loss on said leeches.”


Mostly, though, Stewart was curious as to how Romney knew about the gifts Obama had sent to him. He revealed a well-stocked “Obama 2012” bag full of goodies including an enormous bag of pot, a contraception variety pack, a Koran, a piñata filled with green cards, and even “a gift certificate where Lena Dunham will chastise you while you masturbate.”

With goodies like that, Romney was doomed from the start.

Stewart also took the opportunity to skewer Bill O’Reilly, who sees the results of the presidential election as evidence of a shift in the elecorate and the “end of traditional America.”

“Traditional America as we knew it is gone. Ward, June, Wally and the Beave -- outta here!” O’Reillly said during a recent conversation with pundit Bernie Goldberg on “The O’Reilly Factor.”


“Yes, Bill, Obama’s re-election marked the moment that traditional America ended, the moment when the family from the 1950s sitcom ‘Leave It to Beaver’ ceased to be real,” Stewart joked in response.

He also seemed less concerned by the changing face of the American voter than O’Reilly. “America’s demographics have always been changing and the old establishment always giving way to and resenting a new establishment… Mr. O’Reilly and Mr. Goldberg,” he said, pointedly emphasizing each man’s non-WASPy last name.

After noting the long history of “traditional America’s” fears of Jews, Catholics, the Irish and, yes, Mormons, Stewart ended with some words of reassurance for O’Reilly.

“What you are demonstrating is the health and vitality of America’s greatest tradition, a fevered frightened ruling class lamenting the rise of a religiously and ethnically diverse new class, one that will destroy all that is virtuous and good and bring the American experiment crashing to the ground,” he said. “Except you’re forgetting one thing: That is the American experiment.”



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