President Trump? 'It all winds up OK,' Megyn Kelly says on 'Live With Kelly' - Los Angeles Times

President Trump? ‘It all winds up OK,’ Megyn Kelly says on ‘Live With Kelly’

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Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly pulled double duty Wednesday morning, appearing as the guest host on the nationally syndicated “Live with Kelly” mere hours after completing election coverage at her day (or in this case, night) job.

The pair started the show by discussing the results of the election, as Kelly spoke a little about how Donald Trump’s victory happened despite polling that suggested otherwise.

“What we were told by the pollsters was not matching the sentiment of the American people,” Kelly said, adding that, thanks to its methodology, the Los Angeles Times poll had far more accurate results.


Ripa then asked Kelly how pollsters got it so wrong, which Kelly attributed to several reasons, including the notion that some people felt stigmatized by telling pollsters they were voting for Trump and didn’t want to share that information.

That Kelly was cohosting “Live with Kelly” the day after the election, particularly a contest won by Trump, was a fascinating footnote to a campaign that prominently featured the anchor.

During the first GOP debate in August 2015, Kelly questioned now President-elect Trump’s fitness for the presidency, given his history of using unsavory names when referring to women.


At the time, Trump bristled at the accusation, before appearing on CNN the next day and referring to Kelly having “blood coming out of her wherever.”

Their feud continued, largely fueled by Trump on Twitter, where he called Kelly “dopey” and “the most overrated anchor on Fox News,” in addition to retweeting messages referring to Kelly as a bimbo.

The pair eventually made peace and Kelly conducted an exclusive interview with Trump in May, but all things considered, Kelly was a particularly interesting voice to hear from on the first day of the new Trump era.


For her part, Ripa seemed genuinely confused as to how the election had turned out so differently than expected, even pointing out that her audience all had the same, slightly stunned look on their faces.

“After all these elections, half the country is severely disappointed and the other half is thrilled,” Kelly said. “It all winds up OK. This is the U.S.A. and it’s the most glorious place to live in the world.”

Kelly even seemed hopeful about a Trump presidency.

“In life and in politics, it’s helpful to try to perceive the other person through the most generous lens,” Kelly said, adding that if Trump supporters could do the same for the rest of the country, perhaps the nation could manifest something more positive.

After all was said and done, Kelly had a single point about Trump that resonated above all others.

“Love him or hate him, he’s now the President-elect of our country.”

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