James Franco, Seth Rogen joke about Sony hack on 'Saturday Night Live' - Los Angeles Times

James Franco, Seth Rogen joke about Sony hack on ‘Saturday Night Live’

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Leave it to James Franco and Seth Rogen to lighten the mood.

Franco, who hosted the latest episode of “Saturday Night Live,” used his opening monologue to address the Sony hack that led to leaked films, personal information about thousands of employees and other confidential documents.

“So something pretty crazy happened this week,” Franco said. “I have this movie called ‘The Interview’ coming out with Seth Rogen at Sony ... and this week Sony Studios got all their computers hacked.”

The identity of the hackers remains unclear and the FBI continues to investigate the matter. However, widespread speculation has centered on whether Sony’s release of Franco and Rogen’s film “The Interview” — a comedy about a fictional attempt to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un — led North Korea to retaliate in cyberspace.


On Sunday, North Korea denied the speculation. A spokesman for the policy department of the National Defense Committee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea told the state-run news outlet that it is “wild rumor.”

In his monologue, Franco decided to expose his own secrets before the hackers did.

“Soon you’ll know my email is ‘[email protected]’ and my password is ‘littlejamesiecutiepie,’” he joked.

Before he could reveal more personal information, Rogen walked onstage.

“It’s actually much, much worse than we thought it was going to be,” Rogen said. “You’re not going to believe this, but an hour ago they released some of our private photos from our phones.”


The first “leaked” photo showed Franco and Rogen in the dressing room, with Rogen sporting “the control top panty hose” because Rogen said he was “trying to look a little slimmer.”

The next image was of Rogen teaching Franco how to read.

“You’re making such good progress, man,” Rogen said, patting Franco on the back.

There was also an image of Rogen and Franco in bed, imitating the famous John Lennon and Yoko Ono pose.

But, Rogen noted, “worst of all, they leaked our Christmas card.” A photo then popped up of the naked comedic duo sitting on Santa Claus while holding stockings.


According to Nielsen, the broadcast earned a 4.4 in metered-market households. It was SNL’s second-highest rating in such households so far this season, trailing behind the Nov. 1 telecast with host Chris Rock.

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