Battle of the Burgers: New Jersey's in the house! - Los Angeles Times

Battle of the Burgers: New Jersey’s in the house!

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Still thinking about entering our third annual Battle of the Burgers? Well, don’t just sit there! Get your amazing burger recipe together! Submissions end Monday, June 3, at 5 p.m. and you can enter right here.

In the meantime, check out the submission from Nick Monfire of Sparta, New Jersey. He’s entered what he’s called a “healthy and tasty” option, “simply becase we have a tasty and healthy burger that can stand up to any other burger that might not be as healthy. All the flavor is there and the bonus is the healthy aspects of the burger.” His burger includes a blend of spices, bulgur, a little fresh jalapeno for heat, and it’s topped with a tangy Greek yogurt sauce.

Go to our L.A. Times Food Facebook page and submit your burger recipe, along with a short essay about why yours is the most amazing burger of all time. Include a photo if you can; voters will want to see proof.


We’ll take top vote-getters and try out the burgers in the Times Test Kitchen. The top five Burgermeisters will get an invite to the Los Angeles Times to have their picture taken with their top burger. We’ll feature the photos and recipes in our Daily Dish blog as well as our issue of the L.A. Times Food section that celebrates the Fourth of July. Look for that to come out June 29.


Battle of the Burgers 2013: Are you ready?


Name the first burger joint, and other hamburger trivia

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You can find Noelle Carter on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest. Email Noelle at [email protected].
