This pizza vending machine bakes fresh, not frozen pies, in less than 3 minutes - Los Angeles Times

This pizza vending machine bakes fresh, not frozen pies, in less than 3 minutes

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We’ve all seen the burrito vending machine at a couple gas stations in Los Angeles. It heats up a burrito for you. But have you heard of the pizza vending machine?

It’s every college student and pizza lover’s dream come true. A vending machine that makes fresh pizzas from scratch, any time of the day, or night. No waiting for a delivery man and no tipping required.

Such a dream machine exists and it’s called Let’s Pizza. The machine makes the dough from scratch by combining a flour mixture with water. It then kneads the dough and flattens it into a 10.5-inch pizza. A mechanical arm tops the dough with tomato sauce and whatever toppings the customer chooses. Each machine has three to four topping choices including cheese, pepperoni, ham, bacon and more.


The pizza is then put into a 700-degree oven to bake. There’s even a window, so you can watch your pizza baking.

The entire process happens in a little less than 3 minutes and the pizzas cost around $5 to $6.

Let’s Pizza was introduced in 2009 in Italy, and gradually made its way to the U.K. The A1 Concept company announced plans to open a Let’s Pizza headquarters in the U.S. in 2012 and have locations at malls around the U.S. But we’ve yet to find one.


We’ve reached out to A1 Concept and will let you know when we hear back.

Claudio Torghele, the inventor who created the machine, thought of the idea during a trip to California several years ago. He first set out to make a pasta machine, but decided pizza was a more global product, and took the machine in that direction instead.

The machine holds enough ingredients for 100 pizzas before it needs a refill. The inventory is controlled electronically, but a real person needs to clean the machine daily, and weekly.

Have you seen a Let’s Pizza machine in the States? Let us know in the comments below.

Want more quirky food news? Follow me on Twitter: @Jenn_Harris_



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[This post has been updated: April 5, 2013 6:11 P.M. A previous version of this post said the burritos in the burrito vending machine are frozen. They are not frozen. ]
