Presidential candidates respond to the Orlando shooting - Los Angeles Times

Presidential candidates respond to the Orlando shooting

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6:54 A.M.

Presidential candidates respond to the Orlando shooting

The presidential candidates have all weighed in on the Orlando shooting.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called the attack a “really bad shooting” in a tweet:

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also weighed in with a tweet calling the shooting “horrific.”

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addressed the attack during an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC News’ “Meet The Press.” He went further and pressed for stricter gun laws:

It’s horrific, it’s unthinkable. And just hopes go out to all those who were shot that they can recover. And I’ve got to tell you, 25 years ago, I believe that in this country, we should not be selling automatic weapons which are designed to kill people. We have got to do everything that we can on top of that to make sure that guns do not fall into the hands of people who should not have them, criminals, people who are mentally ill. So that struggles continues. ... . That means expanding the instant background check, it means doing away with the gun show loophole, it means addressing the straw man provision.

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