Jerry Sandusky trial: 2nd witness describes sex abuse in basement - Los Angeles Times

Jerry Sandusky trial: 2nd witness describes sex abuse in basement

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The man whose complaints led to the child sexual abuse investigation of Jerry Sandusky tearfully told a Pennsylvania jury Tuesday that the former Penn State assistant football coach kissed, fondled and engaged in oral sex with him in the basement of the adult’s home.

On the second day of testimony in the case against Sandusky, the second witness -- known in court documents as Victim One -- said that when he was a boy the former coach would give him gifts and make him feel special. Eventually the relationship moved to another, physical, level.

It was a story similar to that told by the first alleged victim on Monday and, according to the grand jury description, likely to be repeated through much of this week as six more alleged victims take the stand.

PHOTOS: The Sandusky case: Who’s who

Sandusky, 68, is charged with 52 criminal counts of sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years.

The witness told the jury of seven women and five men that the abuse began when he, now 18, was 11 or 12 years old, according to media reports from the courtroom.

“It began with the hand on my leg while we were driving and evolved into the touching in the basement of his home,” he said during cross-examination by defense attorney Joe Amendola.

Sandusky would crack his back by hugging him, rub his buttocks and blow on his stomach and then move on to oral sex, the witness recounted. Asked by prosecutor Joseph McGettigan about his response, the witness replied: “I spaced. I didn’t know what to do with all the thoughts running through my head. I just didn’t want it to happen.”

“Did you tell him to stop?” McGettigan asked.

“I didn’t know what to say. I was embarrassed and confused and didn’t know what to do,” the man replied, according to the media reports.

On one occasion, he said, Sandusky “made me put my mouth on his privates.”

The man said he tried to end his contacts with Sandusky but was unable to do so. Eventually, he said, he asked his mother about a “website for people who do things to children.”

He said he later met with a school guidance counselor and other officials, who were initially dubious that Sandusky had committed abuse.

“They said, ‘He has a heart of gold and wouldn’t do anything to anybody’ and ‘We need to think about it,’ so they didn’t believe me,” the man said.

During cross-examination, Amendola continued his main attack themes: The alleged victims could profit in civil suits from making their charges, and their stories changed over time. The account from Tuesday’s witness changed from simple touching to include oral sex as he recounted the story to more officials, the lawyer noted.

The witness met Sandusky through The Second Mile, the charity the coach founded for at-risk children.

It was the witness’ allegations in 2008 that prompted the grand jury investigation that led to the charges against Sandusky.

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