Letters: Time Warner woes - Los Angeles Times

Letters: Time Warner woes

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Re “CBS viewers fume as blackout rolls on,” Business, Aug. 29

It’s amazing that CBS can strike a deal with Verizon seemingly overnight, but Time Warner Cable continues to dig in its heels against the highest-rated network. Time Warner’s offer to provide antennas is, at best, disingenuous. What am I supposed to do, jump up and switch my TV over to cable when I’m not watching CBS?

I called Time Warner early on in this dispute to request a credit for not getting CBS and KCAL 9, and you know what the (exasperated, no doubt) customer service representative told me? CBS and KCAL 9 are worth 6 cents a day, for a total of $1.86 for the month. My landlord was annoyed because he didn’t get the credit, as one must request it; Time Warner doesn’t automatically give it.

That’s what we get with monopolies, though, isn’t it?

Liz White


Los Angeles


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