Letters: A climate for solar - Los Angeles Times

Letters: A climate for solar

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Re “Power plant hosts’ sunny hopes darken,” Nov. 25

I hope that after reading the front-page story on massive solar energy projects in California’s deserts — which failed to mention climate change once — readers perused the Op-Ed pages for the photos of Greenland’s shrinking ice sheet, “an alarming but spectacular evocation of global warming.”

The news article’s readers might fail to understand why such projects are the “darling” of Gov. Jerry Brown and why he has vowed to “crush” resistance. The estimated $50 billion in damages caused by Superstorm Sandy happened with about only 1 degree Celsius of warming. What will the costs be when much of the United States is a desert?


I would be happy with a municipal surcharge to eliminate the roughly 40% of Los Angeles power that comes from coal, the revenue from which could be kicked back to the rural populations that support these solar plants. But for heaven’s sake, let’s get them built.

Charles Fredricks

Santa Monica



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