Donald Trump nemesis Jorge Ramos talks election 2016 and the battle for immigrant rights - Los Angeles Times

Donald Trump nemesis Jorge Ramos talks election 2016 and the battle for immigrant rights

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Journalist and author Jorge Ramos is the voice of Univision and of myriad Latinos here and throughout Latin America. He’s the television reporter whose question about deportations riled candidate Donald Trump, and he’s a formidable voice about and for immigrants – people, he says, who don’t come here “to go to Disneyland. They come here to work.” Ahead of the California primary in a state with a majority-minority population, listen to Ramos on “Patt Morrison Asks.”

Find the full archive of "Patt Morrison Asks" podcasts here or search for "Patt Morrison Asks" on iTunes.

For a transcript of this interview, click here.

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