Our conversation on gun violence needs to include animal victims - Los Angeles Times

Readers React: Our conversation on gun violence needs to include animal victims

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To the editor: The beautifully written report of the compassionate rescue and rehabilitation of Angel the coyote by Julia Di Sieno is both moving and truly inspirational. (“Mama coyote, blinded by a bullet, is alive thanks to animal rescuers,” April 13)

But it raises a troubling question: What kind of sociopath would deliberately blind and maim a pregnant coyote and then leave her and her unborn pups to die?

Our urgent national conversation about gun violence needs to include a hard look at hunting, a sadistic blood “sport” that has no place in an enlightened society.


Leigh Clark, Granada Hills


To the editor: Reading accounts of human cruelty daily, it warms the heart to read instead of human compassion.

Di Sieno’s gentle skills in licensed rescue and rehabilitation of wild creatures shot and left to suffer and die are to be cherished. And they are of even greater value when shared in classroom and community presentations to influence the better natures of children and youth toward more a mindful and humane adulthood that doesn’t demonize coyotes or any other species.


Joanne Hedge, Glendale

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