UC admissions audit is a win for California students - Los Angeles Times

Readers React: UC admissions audit is a win for California students

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To the editor: I commend Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) for his audit. (“Do non-residents at UC help or hurt state?” March 30)

To triple out-of-state undergraduate admissions to University of California schools and squeeze out taxpayers’ children is reprehensible.

If these students really want to come to California, why don’t we offer them UC Merced?

Arnold Faigin, Laguna Niguel



To the editor: I was so happy to see that an audit of UC out-of-state admissions has been done. This has been an abuse of California students for too long. It’s always been clear to me that it was a complete money grab.

It robs California students and it also robs the state because out-of-state students return home with their newly minted educations.

Mindy Taylor-Ross, Venice



To the editor: The California middle class gets shafted again. They make too much to get financial aid but enough to pay about the highest income tax rates in the country.

David Newfield, Burbank

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