Iran botched its coronavirus response, and so is the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: Iran botched its coronavirus response, and so did the U.S.

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To the editor: The L.A. Times’ article on the spread of the coronavirus in Iran describes the disturbing impact on a society when health and scientific information is distorted through the prism of self-serving political talk.

Certainly, the stringent economic sanctions on Iran contribute to the difficulty that country has responding to the pandemic. However, false or no information makes matters worse for the nation and its people.

This sad situation should be a lesson for us. Current information from responsible expert sources is important to guide personal and family actions. It is also key to an effective national and local response.


What we do not need are the ill-informed brain eruptions from the person who occupies the White House. We do not need ignorant and self-serving remarks distracting us from what the experts are saying.

Jo Ann Dawson, Northridge


To the editor: Like many of us, President Trump is struck by the high number of deaths resulting each year from the flu. But we should also note how low those numbers are — or, better put, how much higher those numbers would be if we didn’t have the medical resources to successfully treat many of the worst cases.


But this is where those who downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus miss the real danger.

Even under the highly doubtful view that the infection and mortality rates of the coronavirus are comparable to those of the flu, dealing with this virus would thus amount to dealing with another flu in addition to the usual seasonal one.

Medical resources hitherto successful enough to even keep flu mortality rates below our general notice will be stretched beyond capacity. The resulting mortality numbers — for both coronavirus and the flu — will not be as easy to overlook.


Jeff Vanderpool, Anaheim


To the editor: I vehemently disagree with those who criticized Trump for his calming comments regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

The public has been overwhelmed with anxiety because of the negative reports and warnings about this virus. Schools have closed, important events have been canceled or postponed, and nonstop doom-and-gloom media reports have everyone on edge.

Trump has been wise not to further contribute to the public’s fears.

Bonnie O’Neil, Newport Beach


To the editor: In the interest of public health and to spare us from just more divisive rhetoric, I say forgo the rallies and debates and let our officials focus on fighting the coronavirus and other important things.

We all know where Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden stand, so watching them attack each other won’t help. And, we all know who Trump is, so he should stop his divisive rallies and focus on the crisis, if only that were possible.


Debbie Byrne, Laguna Woods
