Immigration quiz: How do your views align with immigrants’ - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times

We asked immigrants across the country these questions. See how your answers line up


Have you ever been criticized for speaking a language other than English in the U.S.? How do you feel about the media in this country? Do you ever think about leaving?

In the spring of 2023, over 3,000 immigrants answered questions like these in response to a groundbreaking national survey from the Los Angeles Times and the nonprofit KFF, formerly known as Kaiser Family Foundation. They opened up in phone calls, web and paper questionnaires, focus groups and follow-up interviews with Times reporters about their lives in the U.S., their perceptions of immigration in this country, and their hopes for the future.

The responses served as a temperature check on how immigrants feel today. The Times is exploring the surprising and telling responses from those who ultimately chose to make the U.S. their home.

Their answers will also make you think about your own experiences living in the United States — whether you were born on U.S. soil, moved here as a child or arrived just yesterday.

We’ve pulled together 13 questions from the survey that will allow you to compare your experiences with those of the people who took the poll. We’ll share results and insights from The Times and KFF researchers who conducted the surveys.

Sample the poll and see how your answers stack up against the 3,358 immigrants to the U.S. who participated in the survey.