It's Josh Beckett to the rescue -- for the endangered ocelot? - Los Angeles Times

It’s Josh Beckett to the rescue -- for the endangered ocelot?

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It’s Josh Beckett, 20-game winner. Josh Beckett, All-Star and postseason star. Josh Beckett, fried chicken aficionado.

And Josh Beckett, environmentalist?

Or at least, Josh Beckett, plaintiff. A company Beckett owns is suing a pipeline builder for destroying the habitat of the endangered ocelot on his Texas ranch.

The ocelot, also known as the dwarf leopard, is a 20- to 40-pound wild cat, more common in South and Central America.


In the U.S., however, it’s been disappearing, though some are still found in South Texas. It’s estimated approximately only 50 remain in this country.

Beckett’s lawsuit claims that pipeline company Eagle Ford Midstream LP was awarded eminent domain on land owned by Beckett Ventures Inc. after falsely telling the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that the property was not suitable habitat for the ocelot.

The lawsuit claims the cat travels along river corridors and streams that cross his 7,000 acre ranch near San Antonio. It said after notifying the company that the animal’s tracks had been photographed on the property and Beckett had seen the spotted the cat roaming the ranch, it offered an alternative route for the pipeline and threatened to sue, but the project continued.


So Beckett the preservationist has filed suit.


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