Brady Quinn on Jovan Belcher: Hopefully we can learn from this - Los Angeles Times

Brady Quinn on Jovan Belcher: Hopefully we can learn from this

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“Brady Quinn” is a search term that is trending high on the Internet on Monday morning.

Perhaps many people are checking out the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback as a possible pickup for their fantasy football teams after what was by far his best outing of the season.

But hopefully folks also heard about or stumbled upon some of his postgame comments, which had little to do with completing 19 of 23 passes for 201 yards and two touchdowns in a victory over the Carolina Panthers.

Instead, the former Notre Dame quarterback spoke mainly -- and quite thoughtfully -- about the tragedy that unfolded just a day earlier, when linebacker Jovan Belcher apparently shot and killed his girlfriend, then drove to the Chiefs’ practice facility and did the same to himself.


Quinn spoke about the emotions of the players, the need to support Belcher’s 3-month-old daughter and the “eerie” feeling he had after the game. And he talked about what he and others could have done and should do moving forward to possibly prevent such tragedies.

“The one thing people can hopefully try to take away, I guess, is the relationships they have with people,” Quinn said. “I know when it happened, I was sitting and, in my head, thinking what I could have done differently. When you ask someone how they are doing, do you really mean it? When you answer someone back how you are doing, are you really telling the truth?

“We live in a society of social networks, with Twitter pages and Facebook, and that’s fine, but we have contact with our work associates, our family, our friends, and it seems like half the time we are more preoccupied with our phone and other things going on instead of the actual relationships that we have right in front of us.


“Hopefully people can learn from this and try to actually help if someone is battling something deeper on the inside than what they are revealing on a day-to-day basis.”
