Who are Donald Trump's supporters? - Los Angeles Times

Who are Donald Trump’s supporters?

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According to an Economist/YouGov poll published Nov. 25, Donald Trump is the preferred candidate of 26% of Republican voters. But what does the typical Trump supporter look like?

Trump has almost even support among Republican men and women, but his share of the GOP base varies widely by age. Young Republicans are far less likely to support Trump, with only 15% saying he's their top choice. But the candidate's support is 34% among GOP voters 65 and older, according to the poll.

Trump has much less support among black and Hispanic Republicans, who make up a small percentage of the GOP voting population. Those groups say he's their first choice at 12% and 11%, respectively. White Republicans are far more receptive at 34%.

Income doesn't affect Trump's support as much as age and ethnicity, but Republican voters who are making more than $100,000 a year are less likely to pick him, according to the poll.
