Letters: If government shuts down - Los Angeles Times

Letters: If government shuts down

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Re “Government shutdown no idle threat,” Sept. 20

Let the government shut down. What good can it do anyway with the constant bickering, meanness and threats of Congress keeping the government from governing?

Let members of Congress go home to tell their constituents about their failures. Let them blame it on each other while collecting money and other perks from groups such as the National Rifle Assn., while “their people” suffer.

But do they care? Probably not. So shut down. We will manage without them. But they should watch out come election time. By then, some more caring and loving candidates may emerge.


Mary J. Shepphird

Fountain Valley

In the end, this argument is all about spending. The problem is, the House refuses to acknowledge that raising the debt ceiling now would allow the government to pay the money it has already spent.


What they are trying to do — or so they say — is to limit or reduce spending going forward. The solution would be to pass a debt-ceiling and government funding agreement that includes a binding 3% cap on year-to-year spending increases.

If the House rejects this, then there is no denying that what is really going on is extortion.

Carolyn Dingus



If I were a Republican strategist and believed Obamacare was going to be the disaster Republicans have been claiming, I wouldn’t want to repeal it. I’d want it to go into effect, watch all the bad things happen and campaign on the disaster in 2014 to regain control of Congress and take the presidency in 2016.

In reality, Republicans are probably scared to death that Obamacare is going to be successful, gain overwhelming support as people see what it does for them and bring the GOP defeat in coming elections.

This is all about political posturing for the next election. It has nothing to do with the merits of Obamacare.

George Hanover

La Quinta



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