Letters: What to make of the new Iran - Los Angeles Times

Letters: What to make of the new Iran

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Re “A kinder, gentler Iran?,” Opinion, Sept. 20

Ray Takeyh opines that “it is not sufficient for Iran’s Rouhani to speak of transparency; he must curb Iran’s troublesome nuclear activities and comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

Takeyh fails to mention the U.N. General Assembly resolution from December 2012 that calls on Israel to open its nuclear weapons program to international inspectors and to end its refusal to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

The resolution passed 174 to 6; among those voting no were Israel and the United States.

Israel refuses to cooperate with the vast majority of the world and holds on to its nuclear weapons. Pot, meet kettle?


Charlene Richards

Marina del Rey

Takeyh shows that although the approach of the new Iranian president is different, the policy goal of establishing a nuclear program may not be. Though Iran has criticized Syria’s use of chemical weapons, it continues to support Bashar Assad’s government and the Hezbollah fighters who are allied with him.


With or without nuclear weapons, Iran is a destabilizing force in the region. It has armed Hezbollah and Hamas. It is backing an insurgency in Iraq. Iran’s terrorist proxies endanger Israel and other American allies in the Middle East.

Iran’s supreme leader is still the ultimate authority, so President Hassan Rouhani is just a front. Actions speak louder than words.

Gilbert Stein


North Hollywood


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